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Muratti Uomo 03


Site location: Chalandri, Athens, Greece

Gross floor area: 177,00 sqm

Design date: 2003

Project status: Complete, 10/2003

Photography: Antonis Karris


Simple materials under a futuristic design concept and a great deal of effort needed in executing this space due to limited budget. The shop consists of a narrow ground floor and a first floor that all major activities of a young men’s clothes store can be found.

Parts of the walls and ceilings are covered in a textured white purpose designed and made panel system. These panels orientate different parts of the shop like the casual clothes area. 

The three fitting rooms on the first floor have no doors or curtains as their parabolic design maintain privacy.

A curved stainless steel tube suspended by metal rods from the ceiling is the form on which the various levels of hanging fixtures are based. This multilevel system underlies the dynamic functionality that is affected globally throughout the shop. The white shelving for displaying products continues this theme. The doors to private sectors of the shop like the storage and an office provide the sole chromatic counterpoint.

The lighting scheme likewise plays an important role in this setting; spotlights, grouped in pairs, are strategically positioned above the shelves and display units to maintain a continuous line of light projected directly from the ceiling to the floor, which provides a greater sense of clarity and size. txt/gr




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