Passive House BG
Site location: Lozen, Sofia, Bulgaria
Gross floor area: 170,09 sqm
Design date: 03/2012
Project status: International Arch. Competition Entry
Design: Vangelis Lantavos, Dionysis Gonatas
The project participated an international architectural design competition for a ‘Passive House’ in the village of Lozen, a suburban area of the capital Sofia in Bulgaria. The competition requirements for the building were as follows:
Heating and cooling demands < 15 kWh/m² per year
Primary energy < 120 kWh/m² per year
Airtight building shell < 0.6 ACH@50 pascal pressure
Thermal bridge free construction < 0.1 W/mK
The house is conceived as a composition of two parallelepiped volumes, with one placed perpendicular above the other, forming an asymmetrical ‘T’ shape.
The ground floor of the building has been positioned in parallel with the road and accommodates all communal spaces which are defused on the decking. This serves as a transition space from the inside to the garden and can be used for leisure and relaxation during spring and summer period. Storage and electromechanical facilities room are also found on the same level. Between the two, a covered terrace is formed which can be used in various ways.
The first floor consists of the private spaces which also have access to the planted roof above the living-dining area.
The two previous described volumes that compose the dwelling have different external finishing, with that of the ground floor, be covered with a whitish elastomeric plaster coating while the first floor, with wooden strips of cedar, by following the traditional architectural typology and materiality of the area. txt/gr